The Berlin Foundation for Dermatology

The Berlin Foundation for Dermatology (BFD; is a tax-exempted organisation officially recognised as a charitable trust by German public law, founded 1999 by G.Stüttgen and C.E.Orfanos at the Department of Dermatology, Campus Benjamin Franklin, The Free University of Berlin, in Germany. The Berlin Foundation looked back to over 17 years of successful charitable function for Dermatology, despite its limited resources. Private sponsors, institutions and members of the medical community are called to join these efforts and offer their support, for the benefit of young investigators, young physicians and their patients.

Office / Secretariat: 

Berliner Stiftung für Dermatologie
c/o Klinik für Dermatologie, Venerologie
und Allergologie
Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Luisenstraße 2
D-10117 Berlin, Germany


For any other scientific matter or information you may contact:
Prof. Dr. Dr. Christoph C. Geilen ( or
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Stadler (



Berliner Stiftung für Dermatologie,  Weberbank AG Berlin
Account Nr. 1003057531, BLZ 10120100, IBAN: DE 05 101 201 00 10030 57531


Objectives and Aims of Sponsorship

A major objective of the Berlin Foundation is to bundle available financial resources to promote Dermatology and its related clinical and scientific fields. The Foundation supports research projects, especially those focused on or aiming to convert scientific knowledge into clinical application, towards a better diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases. In this context, the Berlin Foundation aims to contribute in improving dermatological care in developing countries, particularly in Africa. Depending on the yearly available funds and upon decision of the Board, the Foundation sponsors a scientific price award to young investigators, as recognition of their outstanding achievements in dermatology on a national and international level. A further objective is the promotion of international exchange and support of foreign young colleagues for continuing their clinical education and research in Germany. Fellowships are sponsored upon application for specified educational purposes in qualified German academic institutions.


Overview of the Foundation´s Tasks and Priorities:

  • Promotion of  Educational and Research projects in  Dermatology
    Focus: Therapeutic issues
  • Promotion of  Dermatological Care in Developing Countries
    Focus: Africa
  • Sponsoring of  Scientific Price Awards
    Focus:  Investigators in Dermatology from the German speaking area
    with high level qualification on a national and international level
  • Promotion of  International Exchange:
    Focus: Fellowships for young foreign investigators / physicians for
    continuing their education / research in Germany


The Berlin Foundation for Dermatology is governed by the Board (“Kuratorium”), currently consisting of seven regular and two associated members, one of them being elected as the Managing Director and another as the Managing Vice-Director. These are at present Christoph Geilen and Rudolf Stadler, correspondingly.

The Board meets twice, in spring and fall every year. As a rule, any applications received are reviewed and decisions are taken by the Board during the fall meeting, based on the available and/or expected funds. During the spring meeting an Annual Symposium is held and the Scientific Price is publicly awarded. Additional presentations of Fellows and prominent Guest Speakers enrich these sessions.

The Foundation aims to maintain and strengthen all personal contacts and cooperation among its alumni, awardees and Fellows, and their interaction with German science and culture.

Regular Board Members:
Prof. Dr. Chalid Assaf, Krefeld
Prof. Dr. Christiane  Bayerl, Wiesbaden,
Prof. Dr. Dr. Christoph C. Geilen, Berlin
Prof. Dr. Kamran Ghoreschi, Berlin
Prof. Dr.Dr.h.c.mult. Constantin E. Orfanos, Berlin
Prof. Dr. M.P.Schön, Göttingen
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Stadler, Minden
Prof.Dr.Dr.h.c.Harald Stein, Berlin
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Christos C. Zouboulis, Dessau

Associated Board Members:
Prof. Dr. Michael Detmar

Prof. Dr. Esther von Stebut-Borschitz

Applications and Motions

All applications and motions for Awards, Fellowships (3, 6 or 12 months), Grants, technical support for educational and/or research projects etc. should be submitted to the Board via the managing office and be mailed to the

Office / Secretariat:

Berliner Stiftung für Dermatologie
c/o Klinik für Dermatologie, Venerologie
und Allergologie
Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Luisenstraße 2
D-10117 Berlin, Germany

For any other scientific matter or information you may contact:

Prof. Dr. Dr. Christoph C. Geilen ( or

Prof. Dr. Rudolf Stadler (

Deadline: August 30th, each year

Nominations for the BFD-Price Award are welcomed by the Board. They should include the curriculum and a recent publication list of the candidate, together with some relevant information on the proposal. Also self proposals will be reviewed by the Board, if accompanied by certificates, references, curriculum and full list of publications.

Applications for Fellowships may be submitted by informal letter, together with the educational subject preferred, any relevant certificates and other helpful material.

For research grants a summary of the project, previous own experiences, any references and possible support of the local institutions involved should be mentioned and commented. Curricula of the applicants are required, together with a specified account of the money required for realizing the project.

All decisions on Awards, Fellowships, and Grants etc. taken by the Board are incontestable. Any application submitted on time, August 31st each year at the latest, will be forwarded to the Board and decided upon during its meeting in fall the same year. The results will be communicated to the applicant before December 31st. Urgent motions may be considered, if there is still time for processing the issue to the Board and funds are available.

Any late submissions will not be considered, or be transferred to the following year.